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Relish is a unique cook's store in the heart of downtown Sheboygan, WI.

Find everything for the home chef, including the finest in cookware, cutlery, bakeware, utensils and gadgets galore. Independently owned and operated, we treat our customers like family and strive to provide the best selection and service anyone could need. Visit Relish to find innovative and reliable cookware and kitchen supplies from great national and local brands, discover fun and unique gifts for the cook in your life, and get inspired in one of our educational and entertaining cooking classes. 

Thursday, April 24, 6pm: España Especial


Thursday, April 24, 6pm: España Especial


Thursday, April 24, 6pm: España Especial


Instructor: Maryjo Evenson
Class Type: Hands-on

Around the world, paella is one of the most recognized and favored dishes in Spanish cuisine. From its signature saffron color to its playful textures, this dish is packed with incredible seasonal flavors. We'll start this class making tapas, then create our show-stopping paella as the main dish. ¡Olé!

Menu: Serrano Ham Wrapped Dates with Goat Cheese ; Sauteed Brussels Sprouts with Pimenton Breadcrumbs ; Chicken & Chorizo Paella

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