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Relish is a unique cook's store in the heart of downtown Sheboygan, WI.

Find everything for the home chef, including the finest in cookware, cutlery, bakeware, utensils and gadgets galore. Independently owned and operated, we treat our customers like family and strive to provide the best selection and service anyone could need. Visit Relish to find innovative and reliable cookware and kitchen supplies from great national and local brands, discover fun and unique gifts for the cook in your life, and get inspired in one of our educational and entertaining cooking classes. 

Saturday, April 19, 1pm:  Zwilling Knife Skills Class


Saturday, April 19, 1pm: Zwilling Knife Skills Class


Saturday, April 19, 1pm: Zwilling Knife Skills Class


Instructor: Chef Brian Hay
Class Type: Hands-on

$69 per person, limited to 12 students in each class.

Each student will receive a Zwilling knife for attending class.

Learn the fundamentals of good knife skills from the experts. ZWILLING’s Chef Brian will teach you what makes a quality knife, which knife to use for each task and how to maintain/clean your knives. He will teach the circular rocking motion, the chopping motion, how to perfectly dice an onion, mince and how to use a flexible fish fillet knife. From brunoise to julienne, you will master a range of essential cutting techniques.

More about Chef Brian Hay
CEC, CCE, CSW, CSS, Sommelier

 Brian Hay has been working and learning in the food service industry since the late 1980's. As a young child in Ontario, Canada, he was a faithful viewer of "The Galloping Gourmet", one of television's earliest cooking shows. He moved on to more formal studies earning a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Hotel and Food Administration from the University of Guelph, Ontario, and a Master of Science degree in Restaurant Management from Purdue University.

 A strong believer in life-long learning, he holds a number of professional certifications, including:

  • a Sommelier diploma from the International Sommelier Guild,

  • a Certified Sommelier Certification from the Court of Master Sommeliers,

  • Certified Specialist in Wine and Certified Specialist in Spirits from the Society of Wine Educators, and

  • Certified Executive Chef along with a Certified Culinary Educator with the American Culinary Federation. 

Chef Brian has been the Program Director and Instructional Dean for 4 Culinary and Hospitality Programs around the country focusing on Culinary Fundamentals and Beverage Management for over 25 years.  While doing this, in 2019, he started his own consulting business Art of the Pair, where he writes numerous articles related to Food and Beverage pairing along with Tea Reviews.  He’s currently completing his first book on the art of food and beverage pairing.

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